include "";
$unit_count = 0;
$temp_unit_count = 1;
$tab = 1;
$date = date('Ymd');
include "dbconnect.php";
include "php/prodvars_main.php";
//strip array - first unit is 0 zero
//$unit = split(",",$HTTP_GET_VARS["unittype"]);
//end strip array
$orderposted = false;
$build_count = 0;
$stepcount = 1;
$enablevisa = "disabled"."="."'disabled'";
//if ($HTTP_GET_VARS["order"] == true) {
//$orderdate = date('d/m/Y');
//$ord_time = date('ymdhis');
//$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
//$ordernumber = $ord_time.":".$ip;
//$total_order = "Online order - \n\n".
//"Order taken for:\n\n".
//"Name : " .$user_row["REALNAME"] . "\n".
//"Company Name : " . $user_row["COMPANY"] . "\n".
//"Phone Number : " . $user_row["PHONE"] . "\n" .
//"Order Date: " . $orderdate."\n\n".
Order details:\n\n";
//---------first calc of the total but only if "order" = true
//while ($bunch = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
//while ($stepcount <= $prodcount) {
// $id = "ID" . (int) $stepcount;
// $val = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$id];
// $stock= $prodcost[$stepcount];
//var val $id = eval(ORDERS.echo "$id".value * $stock)\n;
// if ($val > 0) {
//$total_order = $total_order . $prodname[$stepcount]. " Qty: ". $HTTP_POST_VARS[$id] . "\n";
//$post="update pricelist set STOCK_QTY=STOCK_QTY-".$val." where id_number=".$bunch["id_number"]. " and YEAR=".date('Y');
//$post="update products set stock_qty=stock_qty-".$val." where id_number=".$bunch["id_number"];
//$id_int = (int) $stepcount;
//mysql_query($post) or die (mysql_error());
// }
// $stepcount++;
//$stepcount = 1;
//var total = "$eval(";
//while ($stepcount <= $prodcount) {
//val .(int) $stepcount."+";
//echo "0)";
//$total_order = $total_order .
// "
Order Number: ". $ordernumber . "\n".
// "
Recipient Full Name: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["RECNAME"] . "\n".
// "
Delivery Address: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["RECADDRESS"] . "\n".
// "
Contact Phone: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["RECPHONE"]. "\n".
// "
Message: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["MESSAGE"] . "\n".
// "
Delivery Date: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["DELIVERYDATE"] . "\n".
// "
Pay Method: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["PAYMENTMETHOD"] . "\n".
// "
Card Name: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["CARDNAME"] . "\n".
// "
Card Number: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["CARDNUMBER"] . "\n".
// "
Card Expiry: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["CARDEXPIRY"] . "\n".
// "
Billing Phone: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["BILLPHONE"] . "\n".
// "
Billing Email: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["BILLEMAIL"] . "\n".
// "
Billing Address: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["BILLADDRESS"] . "\n";
// mail ("", "Urgent Order - HTML Submission", $total_order, "From: Yummybunch - Online Store
Order Number: ". $ordernumber . "\n".
// "
Recipient Full Name: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["RECNAME"] . "\n".
// "
Delivery Address: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["RECADDRESS"] . "\n".
// "
Contact Phone: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["RECPHONE"]. "\n".
// "
Message: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["MESSAGE"] . "\n".
// "
Delivery Date: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["DELIVERYDATE"] . "\n".
// "
Pay Method: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["PAYMENTMETHOD"] . "\n".
// "
Card Name: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["CARDNAME"] . "\n".
// "
Card Number: " . "ENCRYPTED" . "\n".
// "
Card Expiry: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["CARDEXPIRY"] . "\n".
// "
Billing Phone: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["BILLPHONE"] . "\n".
// "
Billing Email: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["BILLEMAIL"] . "\n".
// "
Billing Address: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["BILLADDRESS"] . "\n";
// mail ("", "Urgent Order - HTML Submission", $total_order, "From: Yummybunch - Online Store
All prices are including GST.
Just think how surprised they will be next Birthday, Christmas , Valentines Day, St Patricks Day, Easter
, Mothers Day or Fathers Day when their chocolate gift
is delivered.